Unscripted Bits and Pieces

Before you are possibly misled – a bit of what to expect, in a small Tardis-like post.

  • I like traveling and seeing the world
  • I appreciate history and people
  • I’m not a writer and dislike math
  • I enjoy learning new things
  • I respect books, yet read pretty slowly

This blog-ish type thing will be an open (and likely sporadic) journal; a compilation of my current learnings from this unique world. 

Looking forward to the adventure.

  • All Posts
  • Inspiration
  • Prof. Development
Problem Set 0

It’s official, my first Scratch project is live 😊 The first CS50 assignment is intended to practice using algorithmic logic.…

Own the Room

In early December, I attended a full-day Own the Room “Communication Essentials” training. The workshop was in-person in New York,…

Notes from Week 1

It’s CS50, Week 1.  I feel slightly jipped that last week doesn’t count. This is were we begin with Language…

CS50: Week 0

To kick-off the year, I’ll be working through CS50: Introduction to Computer Science. CS50 is the largest course on the…

2023: The Year Ahead

As an Associate Product Manager, my learning priority for the coming months is to develop my technical knowledge. This will…

Anscombe’s Quartet

The below was written for an application that required a short summary of the most useful idea, advice or concept…

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